Six-week group wellness circles focus on goal setting & personal growth. Participating in one of our circles conducted on Zoom is a perfect chance to work on your own wellness, while also seeing how a wellness circle is facilitated by one of the members of the team at Wellness Compass.

We do offer three “flavors” of Wellness Circles; Teen, Parent and Adult. We offer online Adult Wellness Circles on a regular basis as these circles are very similar in format, yet different in terms of assessments and discussion topics.  If you have a group of teens or parents (6-8) who would like to experience a Wellness Circle other than Adult please get in touch and we will try to find a mutually agreed upon time to facilitate that for your group. The main intent is to introduce Wellness Circles to those who are wanting to run them in their own community.  

Contact if you have questions.




Wellness Circles are a combination of education and group coaching designed to enhance participant success in making positive changes. For those considering facilitating a Wellness Circle in their own community, participation in a Wellness Circle via Zoom with The Wellness Compass staff can be very helpful. 

Whether you work with Adults, Parents, or Teens, and want to see what a group of this kind is all about, or you would like support for your own wellness, participating in a six-week facilitated group could be for you. There is no cost to participate. Register for upcoming Circles below.

If you would like to participate in a Wellness Circle, but the times offered don't work for you, consider gathering a group of 5-8 people for either an Adult or Parent Wellness Circle and Wellness Compass staff can facilitate it for you at a mutually agreed-upon time. Please contact Carolyn Karl to more information:

Our six-week facilitated Wellness Circles will meet for one hour via Zoom. Choose the one-hour time slot that works best for you.

Contact with any questions about our classes or our certificate program.


The Resources Overview is for those interested in learning more about our wellness materials or for anyone working on earning their Wellness Compass Certificate. We offer a facilitated discussion about our Adult, Parent, Teen, and Kid Wellness Compass materials.

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 Education is a priority for us at The Wellness Compass Initiative. See below to learn about our educational wellness offerings.


The Wellness Compass Initiative creates and produces a variety of wellness programs & resources. Click the photos below to learn more.