The Wellness Compass offers different self-assessments specifically designed for adult, parent, and teen populations. Each self-assessment consists of eighty statements, ten for each of the eight different areas of wellness: relationships, emotions, spirituality, rest and play, care for the body, resilience, organization, and vocation (work/school). All three self-assessments are available in both English and Spanish.
Wellness Compass Podcast
The Wellness Compass Podcast features Holly Hughes Stoner and Scott Stoner, who are both Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Co-Directors of The Wellness Compass, and the co-creators of its wellness resources. Every Friday from early September to mid-May, Scott and Holly help listeners better navigate their lives and relationships with greater awareness and intention. Each 10-minute episode provides an opportunity for a deeper discussion of the topic found in the weekly Wellness Compass Column and is based on our eight areas of wellness.
Three seasons of Podcasts are available to listen to on our website or major podcast apps (search for The Wellness Compass).
Wellness Compass WEEKLY COLUMN
Holly Hughes Stoner and Scott Stoner also email a weekly column every Friday with relevant topics around the areas of wellness on the Wellness Compass, reinforcing the whole-person wellness concepts of our kid, teen, parent, and adult wellness resources.
Sign up for our Weekly Wellness Compass column to receive guidance on navigating the week ahead with clear attention and intention.