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“Resilience is based on compassion for ourselves as well as compassion for others.”― Sharon Salzberg. This quote introduces the topic of this show which is about how "the seeds of resilience can only take root in the soil of compassion."
Resilience is defined here not so much as "bouncing back," but as "bouncing forward" because sometimes there is no going back, no bouncing back. When loss happens, when our "normal" is disrupted in profound ways, there is no going back to "normal." There is only going forward as we slowly create a new normal.
Holly Hughes Stoner joins Scott on this episode and talks about how the Wellness Compass Model for Well-Being can help us think about and respond to stress in a holistic way. Stress Resilience is one of the 8 areas of wellness in the Compass and this show talks about how all eight areas are interconnected, each affecting the other.
The show concludes with three "Making It Personal" questions that invite the listener to apply what they have heard to their own life.